Sergio Moyano

Artist / painter / printer / master

Sergio Moyano


the words of

El Maestro

I am a painter and a printmaker, so I speak with strokes, drips and lines, until the canvas or plates are filled with life, doubt, joys and errors. For me, the process of creation is one of gut level, knowledge and physical action, and less and less about questioning the known. When I start to create, I have a color in mind and in that color there’s a shape and in that shape is a sound. I dip my brush into the paint and with that first stroke a dialogue begins. Colors converse with shapes and shapes with sounds.



De donde soy, amor y pasión!

Colors, shapes, lines and sounds collide. The rows of elements and laws of nature are evident in my work, which is abstract expressionism. The motions, the music if you will, explode outwards and are sucked downwards by gravity. There is that sense of frenzy, a feeling that anything can happen both upon the canvas or in the monotypes and in the mind of the viewer. That particular color has a blue sound, for example, and that line a red sound…. With that a tango is created!




PRivate Collection


El Milonguero

As the painting starts to take shape, so does the music. The melancholic piano from Piazzolla appears quietly in the background, the dramatic accordion from a Gardel classic starts to come in and then folklore of Atahualpa Yupanqui’s guitar. In the distance, Sambas y Chacareras from another era. The Milonga, for me for example, is personal. It is the place where I am from and the place where I am going. I am a Milonguero del Arrabal Porteño, Mis Barrios son y fueron, my neighborhoods are and always will be Palermo, La Boca, San Telmo and today… Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico!




Santa Fe, New Mexico


Ut tincidunt tellus in enim consequat sollicitudin. Sed facilisis placerat fermentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vel congue dolor, sed mattis dolor. Aenean eu eleifend ante, eget tempus tellus. Curabitur interdum vel ante in gravida. Nulla facilisi. Morbi consequat vehicula augue at consequat. Sed dui dolor, ornare et hendrerit eu, tincidunt vitae justo. Nunc sodales tellus sit amet mauris ultricies, id venenatis lectus tempor. Sed sed turpis sed ligula faucibus laoreet lobortis nec neque.

Away from the smog in cities, our hearts are drawn west, where the only dust is earth, and the only barrier is the sky. Head west for the silence that roars from a wild heart.
— Lily Moon River